

Enhance your home’s charm and function with a new chimney by Superior Waterproofing & Masonry.




Trust us to deliver a chimney that complements your home’s style and ensures reliable performance. We prioritize satisfaction from design to installation.



    Welcome to New Chimney

    Transform your home’s exterior with a new chimney installation from Superior Waterproofing & Masonry. Our skilled craftsmen specialize in creating chimneys that not only enhance the visual appeal of your property but also provide efficient ventilation and fireplace functionality. Whether you desire a classic brick chimney or a modern stone design, we tailor every aspect to suit your preferences and complement your home’s architecture. With meticulous attention to detail and using high-quality materials, we ensure your new chimney not only meets but exceeds your expectations, becoming a timeless and functional addition to your home for years to come.

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    Our Chimney Services

    Chimney re-build

    When your chimney has suffered extensive damage or deterioration, a chimney re-build may be necessary to restore its structural integrity and functionality. At Superior Waterproofing & Masonry, we specialize in chimney re-build services tailored to your specific needs. Our experienced team begins by carefully assessing the condition of your chimney to determine the extent of the damage and the appropriate course of action. We then meticulously dismantle the existing chimney, removing any compromised materials and preparing the site for reconstruction. Using high-quality materials and precise craftsmanship, we rebuild your chimney from the ground up, ensuring that it meets current building codes and safety standards. Whether your chimney requires partial or complete reconstruction, you can trust us to deliver durable and long-lasting results that enhance the beauty and functionality of your home.

    Chimney Repair

    Over time, your chimney may develop issues such as cracks, leaks, or mortar deterioration, compromising its performance and safety. Our chimney repair services address these issues promptly and effectively, ensuring that your chimney remains in optimal condition. Our skilled technicians begin by conducting a thorough inspection to identify the root cause of the problem. From there, we implement targeted repair solutions using quality materials and proven techniques. Whether it’s replacing damaged bricks, repairing mortar joints, or sealing cracks, we prioritize durability and longevity in every repair. With our attention to detail and commitment to quality craftsmanship, you can trust us to restore your chimney to its former glory, providing reliable performance and peace of mind for years to come.

    Chimney new crown

    The chimney crown plays a crucial role in protecting your chimney from water damage and preventing moisture infiltration into your home. At Superior Waterproofing & Masonry, we specialize in installing new chimney crowns that provide superior protection and durability. Our skilled craftsmen meticulously design and construct chimney crowns to fit your chimney’s specifications, ensuring a precise fit and optimal performance. We use high-quality materials such as concrete or stone to create crowns that withstand the elements and resist cracking or deterioration over time. With our expert installation services, you can trust us to enhance the longevity and functionality of your chimney, protecting your home from water damage and ensuring years of reliable performance.

    Chimney new tray

    A chimney tray, also known as a chimney cap or chimney cover, is an essential component of your chimney system that helps prevent water intrusion, debris buildup, and animal entry. At Superior Waterproofing & Masonry, we specialize in installing new chimney trays tailored to your chimney’s specifications. Our skilled technicians carefully measure and fabricate chimney trays using high-quality materials such as stainless steel or copper, ensuring a precise fit and optimal performance. With our expert installation services, you can trust us to protect your chimney from damage and prolong its lifespan, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your chimney’s functionality.

    Chimney re-bar

    Chimney re-bar reinforcement is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity and stability of your chimney. Over time, factors such as weather exposure and age can lead to deterioration or weakening of the chimney structure, necessitating re-bar installation to strengthen and reinforce it. At Superior Waterproofing & Masonry, we specialize in chimney re-bar services designed to enhance the durability and safety of your chimney. Our experienced technicians carefully assess the condition of your chimney and recommend the appropriate re-bar reinforcement based on your specific needs. Using high-quality materials and precise installation techniques, we ensure that your chimney is adequately reinforced to withstand the test of time and provide reliable performance for years to come.

    Chimney new flashing

    Chimney flashing is essential for preventing water infiltration into your home’s interior and protecting against leaks and water damage. At Superior Waterproofing & Masonry, we specialize in installing new chimney flashing that provides superior protection and durability. Our skilled craftsmen meticulously fabricate and install chimney flashing using quality materials such as stainless steel or copper, ensuring a precise fit and optimal performance. With our expert installation services, you can trust us to safeguard your home from water damage and ensure the longevity of your chimney, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your home’s structural integrity.

    Chimney tuck pointing

    Tuck pointing is a critical maintenance technique for preserving the structural integrity and appearance of your chimney. Over time, the mortar joints between the bricks or stones of your chimney can deteriorate due to weather exposure and age, leading to potential water infiltration and structural instability. At Superior Waterproofing & Masonry, we specialize in chimney tuck pointing services designed to repair and reinforce deteriorating mortar joints. Our skilled craftsmen carefully remove deteriorated mortar and replace it with fresh mortar, restoring the structural integrity and appearance of your chimney. With our meticulous attention to detail and commitment to quality craftsmanship, you can trust us to prolong the lifespan of your chimney and ensure its continued reliability and performance.

    Chimney seal

    A chimney sealant is an essential component of chimney maintenance, helping to protect your chimney from water damage and prolong its lifespan. At Superior Waterproofing & Masonry, we specialize in applying high-quality chimney sealants that provide superior protection and durability. Our skilled technicians thoroughly clean and prepare the surface of your chimney before applying the sealant, ensuring maximum adhesion and effectiveness. With our expert sealant application services, you can trust us to safeguard your chimney from water infiltration and prevent costly damage to your home’s interior. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your chimney is protected and secure, providing you with reliable performance and longevity for years to come.

    Completed Projects

    Our Chimney Showcase

    Enhance your home’s appeal with a new chimney from Superior Waterproofing & Masonry. Our expert craftsmen deliver custom designs tailored to your preferences and property’s architecture, ensuring lasting beauty and functionality.

    Request A Free Consultation


    Expert Chimney Services

    Elevate your home’s exterior with a new chimney installation by Superior Waterproofing & Masonry. Our skilled craftsmen create custom designs to enhance both aesthetics and functionality seamlessly.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long does a chimney installation take?

    The duration of a chimney installation varies based on factors such as the design complexity and weather conditions but typically ranges from a few days to a couple of weeks.

    What materials are available for chimney construction?

    We offer a variety of materials including brick, stone, and stucco, allowing for customization to match your home’s aesthetic and architectural style.

    Do I need to maintain my chimney after installation?

    Yes, regular maintenance such as cleaning and inspections are recommended to ensure the chimney’s safety and efficiency, and to address any potential issues promptly.

    Do you provide warranties for chimney installations?

    Yes, we stand behind our workmanship and materials. We offer warranties to provide peace of mind and ensure satisfaction with our chimney installation services.